Overview of Design and Distribution Obligations (DDO)

ASIC introduced the Design and Distribution Obligations (DDO) regime on 5 October 2021.

This is a mandatory piece of legislation that applies to all product issuers (e.g. Morningstar) and distributors of financial products to retail customers.

What you need to know

Morningstar managed funds

  • When recommending a financial product to a retail investor, you’ll need to ensure the investor meets a ‘target market’ of consumers for the financial product. To do so, you’ll need to reference our ‘target market determination’ at morningstarinvestments.com.au/tmd
  • If you recommend a financial product to a retail investor that does not meet the ‘target market’ of consumers, you’ll need to report this to us at morningstarinvestments.com.au/distributor-report
  • You’ll need to report any complaints your clients have about Morningstar (regarding our products, staff or the way in which we handled a complaint). To do so, you can use the same link above at morningstarinvestments.com.au/distributor-report

Morningstar managed accounts

As Morningstar managed accounts are issued through third-party platform providers, you’ll need to refer to the relevant platform’s ‘target market determination’.

  • When recommending a financial product to a retail investor, you’ll need to ensure the investor meets a ‘target market’ of consumers for the financial product. To do so, you’ll need to reference the ‘target market determination’ from your platform provider of choice.
  • If you recommend a financial product to a retail investor that does not meet the ‘target market’ of consumers, you’ll need to report this to your platform provider of choice.
  • You’ll need to report any complaints your clients have about Morningstar (regarding our products, staff or the way in which we handled a complaint). To do so, you can use the same link above at morningstarinvestments.com.au/distributor-report

For more information, including the background to the legislation and frequently asked questions, please visit our dedicated DDO information page at www.morningstarinvestments.com.au/ddo

Please get in touch with your relationship manager if you have any feedback or questions.


This document is issued by Morningstar Investment Management Australia Limited (ABN 54 071 808 501, AFS Licence No. 228986) (‘Morningstar’). Morningstar is the Responsible Entity and issuer of interests in the Morningstar investment funds referred to in this report. © Copyright of this document is owned by Morningstar and any related bodies corporate that are involved in the document’s creation. As such the document, or any part of it, should not be copied, reproduced, scanned or embodied in any other document or distributed to another party without the prior written consent of Morningstar. The information provided is for general use only. In compiling this document, Morningstar has relied on information and data supplied by third parties including information providers (such as Standard and Poor’s, MSCI, Barclays, FTSE). Whilst all reasonable care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of information provided, neither Morningstar nor its third parties accept responsibility for any inaccuracy or for investment decisions or any other actions taken by any person on the basis or context of the information included. Morningstar does not guarantee the performance of any investment or the return of capital. Morningstar warns that (a) Morningstar has not considered any individual person’s objectives, financial situation or particular needs, and (b) individuals should seek advice and consider whether the advice is appropriate in light of their goals, objectives and current situation. Refer to our Financial Services Guide (FSG) for more information at morningstarinvestments.com.au/fsg. Before making any decision about whether to invest in a financial product, individuals should obtain and consider the disclosure document. For a copy of the relevant disclosure document, please contact our Adviser Solutions Team on 1800 951 999.