Overview of Design and Distribution Obligations (DDO)
ASIC introduced the Design and Distribution Obligations (DDO) regime on 5 October 2021.
This is a mandatory piece of legislation that applies to all product issuers (e.g. Morningstar) and distributors of financial products to retail customers.
What you need to know
Morningstar managed funds
- When recommending a financial product to a retail investor, you’ll need to ensure the investor meets a ‘target market’ of consumers for the financial product. To do so, you’ll need to reference our ‘target market determination’ at morningstarinvestments.com.au/tmd
- If you recommend a financial product to a retail investor that does not meet the ‘target market’ of consumers, you’ll need to report this to us at morningstarinvestments.com.au/distributor-report
- You’ll need to report any complaints your clients have about Morningstar (regarding our products, staff or the way in which we handled a complaint). To do so, you can use the same link above at morningstarinvestments.com.au/distributor-report
Morningstar managed accounts
As Morningstar managed accounts are issued through third-party platform providers, you’ll need to refer to the relevant platform’s ‘target market determination’.
- When recommending a financial product to a retail investor, you’ll need to ensure the investor meets a ‘target market’ of consumers for the financial product. To do so, you’ll need to reference the ‘target market determination’ from your platform provider of choice.
- If you recommend a financial product to a retail investor that does not meet the ‘target market’ of consumers, you’ll need to report this to your platform provider of choice.
- You’ll need to report any complaints your clients have about Morningstar (regarding our products, staff or the way in which we handled a complaint). To do so, you can use the same link above at morningstarinvestments.com.au/distributor-report
For more information, including the background to the legislation and frequently asked questions, please visit our dedicated DDO information page at www.morningstarinvestments.com.au/ddo
Please get in touch with your relationship manager if you have any feedback or questions.